Standard for Public Code


  1. Requirements
  2. Why this is important
  3. What this does not do
  4. How to test
  5. Policy makers: what you need to do
  6. Management: what you need to do
  7. Developers and designers: what you need to do
  8. Further reading

Require review of contributions


  • All contributions that are accepted or committed to release versions of the codebase MUST be reviewed by another contributor.
  • Reviews MUST include source, policy, tests and documentation.
  • Reviewers MUST provide feedback on all decisions to not accept a contribution.
  • Contributions SHOULD conform to the standards, architecture and decisions set out in the codebase in order to pass review.
  • Reviews SHOULD include running both the code and the tests of the codebase.
  • Contributions SHOULD be reviewed by someone in a different context than the contributor.
  • Version control systems SHOULD NOT accept non-reviewed contributions in release versions.
  • Reviews SHOULD happen within two business days.
  • Performing reviews by multiple reviewers is OPTIONAL.

Why this is important

  • Increases codebase quality.
  • Reduces security risks as well as operational risks.
  • Creates a culture of making every contribution great.
  • Catches the most obvious mistakes that could happen.
  • Gives contributors the security that their contributions are only accepted if they really add value.
  • Assures contributors of a guaranteed time for feedback or collaborative improvement.
  • Prompt reviews increase both rate of delivery and contributor engagement.

What this does not do

  • Guarantee the right solution to a problem.
  • Mean that reviewers are liable.
  • Absolve a contributor from writing documentation and tests.
  • Provide you with the right reviewers.

How to test

  • Confirm that every commit in the history has been reviewed by a different contributor.
  • Confirm that reviews include source, policy, tests and documentation.
  • Confirm that rejected contributions were appropriately explained.
  • Check if reviews cover conformance to standards, architecture and codebase guidelines.
  • Check with reviewers if they run the code and tests during review.
  • Check with reviewers if commits have been reviewed by a different contributor in a different context.
  • Check for use of branch protection in the version control system.
  • Check the times between contribution submission and review.

Policy makers: what you need to do

  • Institute a ‘four eyes’ policy where everything, not just code, is reviewed.
  • Use a version control system or methodology that enables review and feedback.

Management: what you need to do

  • Make delivering great code a shared objective.
  • Make sure writing and reviewing contributions to source, policy, documentation and tests are considered equally valuable.
  • Create a culture where all contributions are welcome and everyone is empowered to review them.
  • Make sure no contributor is ever alone in contributing to a codebase.

Developers and designers: what you need to do

  • Ask other contributors on the codebase to review your work, in your organization or outside of it.
  • Try to respond to others’ requests for code review promptly, initially providing feedback about the concept of the change.

Further reading