An open and well known license makes it possible for anyone to see the source code in order to understand how it works, to use it freely and to contribute to the codebase. This enables a vendor ecosystem to emerge around the codebase.
Clearly indicating the license for each file within a codebase facilitates correct reuse and attribution of parts of a codebase.
- All source code and documentation MUST be licensed such that it may be freely reusable, changeable and redistributable.
- Software source code MUST be licensed under an OSI-approved or FSF Free/Libre license.
- All source code MUST be published with a license file.
- Contributors MUST NOT be required to transfer copyright of their contributions to the codebase.
- All source code files in the codebase SHOULD include a copyright notice and a license header that are machine-readable.
- Having multiple licenses for different types of source code and documentation is OPTIONAL.
- 確認代碼庫有清楚給予授權條款。
- 確認原始碼的授權條款有列於經 OSI 開放原始碼促進會所批准,或由 FSF 自由軟體基金會所發表的自由授權條款清單,以及文件的授權條款有 符合「開放定義」。
- 確認代碼庫中有包含其採用的授權條款檔案。
- 確認貢獻指南中,以及儲存庫的組態設定中,沒有求貢獻者轉讓著作權。
- 在代碼庫持續整合測試中,確認是否有檢查授權內容為機器可讀的檢查項目。
Public policy makers: what you need to do
- Develop policy that requires source code to be open source.
- Develop policy that disincentivizes non-open source code and technology in procurement.
Managers: what you need to do
- Only work with open source vendors that deliver their source code by publishing it under an open source license.
- Beware that even though Creative Commons licenses are great for documentation, licenses that stipulate Non-Commercial or No Derivatives are NOT freely reusable, changeable and redistributable and don’t fulfill these requirements.
- Add a new
file to every new codebase created. - Add a copyright notice and a license header to every new source code file created.
- When source code is being reused by the codebase, make sure that it has a license that is compatible with the license or licenses of the codebase.
- 開放原始碼促進會所發表的《開放原始碼定義》,所有開放原始碼授權條款皆符合這套定義。
- 紐西蘭CC Aotearoa《創用CC介紹動畫影片》。
- 歐洲自由軟體基金會所發表的《REUSE 倡議規範》提供規範明確、人類可讀以及機器可讀的著作權與授權資訊。
- Linux 基金會所發表的 SPDX 授權條款清單提供經標準化、且機器可讀的大多數授權條款縮寫表示法。