Standard for Public Code


  1. 需求規範
  2. How to test
  3. Public policy makers: what you need to do
  4. Managers: what you need to do
  5. 開發人員與設計師:需要的工作
  6. Further reading


English is the de facto language of collaboration in software development.

Public sector information needs to be accessible to all its constituents. Plain and simple language makes the code and what it does easier to understand for a wider variety of people.

Translations further increase the possible reach of a codebase. Language that is easy to understand lowers the cost of creating and maintaining translations.


  • All codebase documentation MUST be in English.
  • All source code MUST be in English, except where policy is machine interpreted as code.
  • All bundled policy not available in English MUST have an accompanying summary in English.
  • Any translation MUST be up to date with the English version and vice versa.
  • There SHOULD be no acronyms, abbreviations, puns or legal/non-English/domain specific terms in the codebase without an explanation preceding it or a link to an explanation.
  • Documentation SHOULD aim for a lower secondary education reading level, as recommended by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.
  • Providing a translation of any code, documentation or tests is OPTIONAL.

How to test

  • 確認代碼庫文件有英語版本。
  • 確認原始碼為英語,確認任何非英語內容都是政策,或確認術語在其前方有先行說明等。
  • 確認任何非英語政策都有隨附英語版摘要。
  • 確認翻譯版與英語版內容相同。
  • 確認文件當中,沒有任何未說明的首字母縮寫字、縮寫、雙關語,或法律/非英語/行業特定詞彙等。
  • 檢查文件的拼字、文法與易讀性等。

Public policy makers: what you need to do

  • Frequently test with other managers, developers and designers in the process if they understand what you are delivering and how you document it.

Managers: what you need to do

  • 在團隊內部與利害關係人之間的內部溝通中,試著限制首字母縮寫字、縮寫、雙關語,或法律/非英語/行業特定詞彙的使用。如果有使用到的話,則將這些用語加入詞彙表,並且在使用這些詞彙的地方加上詞彙表連結。
  • 以批判性觀點看待提案與修改當中的文件與描述。如果有您看不懂的內容,很有可能其他人也同樣迷惘。


  • Frequently test with policy makers and managers if they understand what you are delivering and how you document it.
  • Ask someone outside of your context if they understand the content (for example, a developer working on a different codebase).

Further reading